Brand? Guinot How Much? £50 for 60 minutes Where? Russell Eaton, Leeds Who? Sam, Spa Manager Let me stress this from the offset: if you didn't already know, I am obsessed with skincare. There...
Read more →Brand? Guinot How Much? £50 for 60 minutes Where? Russell Eaton, Leeds Who? Sam, Spa Manager Let me stress this from the offset: if you didn't already know, I am obsessed with skincare. There...
Read more →Real Talk: As I've got older, especially since I left uni and got a full time job, I've avoided just "popping in" to Primark and loading up on stuff. I've tried my best to save my pennies and splurge...
Read more →Hello everyone, and welcome to a new feature. "Savvy Shopping" is all about how to get a little more for your money, and I'm hoping to bring you hints and tricks every couple of weeks to help all you retail...
Read more →A few weeks ago I bought a ticket to an event at the Lancôme counter of my local Debenhams. I'd heard about the event from Elly (author of my favourite outfit of the day posts - go to her for some...
Read more →I feel like my whole life revoles around beauty products I'm lusting over at the moment. I guess that's a trait of a true beauty blogger. I spend pretty much my whole work day dreaming up ways to justify...
Read more →Hello lovelies! I'm here today to tell you exactly why I think beauty subscription boxes have a place in the world. It's easy to lose faith in beauty boxes, it only takes a couple of months when nothing...
Read more →Carex Refreshing Wipes for Hands, Face and Body The perfect cleansing wipes to keep in your handbag for cleaning hands during the day - ideal if, like me, hand sanitizer weirds you out! John Frieda...
Read more →Hello everyone, thanks for sticking with me even though I'm posting slightly less frequently at the moment. I have loads of posts stacked up, so I'm hoping there'll be plenty of reviews and interesting...
Read more →I've been looking for some sheerer lip products to use whilst I'm away on holiday. A full, heavy lipstick can be pretty hard to wear in the sun because a mix of heat, suncream and sweat (gasp!) can affect...
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