I haven't done an About Face post in a few weeks so I thought I'd post some of the make-up items I'm loving at the moment to, you know, keep you guys in the loop. I'm currently settled on my sofa clean...
Read more →I haven't done an About Face post in a few weeks so I thought I'd post some of the make-up items I'm loving at the moment to, you know, keep you guys in the loop. I'm currently settled on my sofa clean...
Read more →I know I am waaaaay late on this one, but I thought it'd be interesting to do a little showcase of the Miss Selfridge Gossip Girl Collection that was launched in late April. I've had the opportunity to check...
Read more →I am all about the glitz and the glamour. I am also all about the BBC. So imagine my joy when the two combined and made the fabulous creation that is Strictly Come Dancing. This programme has been...
Read more →If you haven't yet wrapped your mind around Gossip Girl and all it's wonders, then I simply don't understand you. Get on it. In the end, you're only cheating yourself. All...
Read more →Fans of Doctor Who stand up and pay attention. In fact, fans of costume departments of hit TV shows in general, you should concentrate too. I have something to show you. The New Doctor. Geek...
Read more →Ah, that age-old question: What's not to love about a man with big eyebrows and a penchant for skinny ties? Yes ladies, I fancy Sylar/Spock. And now for photos. And we'll finish...
Read more →Most of you will probably know that I am all about the Waldorf. Blair does it the way nobody else can, and my opinion on that will never change. However, I have got to thinking lately about the undeniable...
Read more →Now, I've been watching a lot of TV recently. For around six days, FYI, I've been indulging in little else. Before you start to worry, there was an outing or two and a little bit of work thrown in but it did get me thinking......
Read more →I've seen a few people do this and who could ask for a better subject matter for a first post! Here goes.1. Gossip Girl - & in particular, Blair Waldorf. The dresses, skirts, especially the peter pan collars....
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