I wouldn't be an English graduate if I didn't know about Jane Eyre. I know this story. Inside out. Being particularly into gender issues "the madwoman in the attic" is a phrase that has popped up in nearly...
Read more →I wouldn't be an English graduate if I didn't know about Jane Eyre. I know this story. Inside out. Being particularly into gender issues "the madwoman in the attic" is a phrase that has popped up in nearly...
Read more →I'm not much of a fan of the romantic comedy. I've got problems with the formula. They're just not real enough for me. I don't like the gender stereotyping. Also, often they're not funny. And mostly...
Read more →Hello all! Well here's how I spent my saturday. All headscarved, peter pan collared and french horned up. I must apologise for the poor picture quality, yet again, but I really don't have any idea how to use my camera...
Read more →When on Oxford Street yesterday for my Bravissimo fitting I decided a wednesday afternoon would be as good a time as any to brave the Oxford Street Primark. Walking in, I was greeted by an array of 50s style...
Read more →Having seen 500 Days of Summer on holiday and having my chest almost burst open into bunches of clown flowers and flutters of cartoon bluebirds, this add-on video takes me and my internal organs to a whole...
Read more →For the last 24 hours I've been consciously trying to flood my brain with happy thoughts. These thoughts have resulted in this post: an accumulation of just some of the things I think are lovely. 1....
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